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Artikul: P-1019404 Sotuvda mavjud
11 254.9 so'm / donadan
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  • 11 254.9 so'm dan

    250 dona dan


Household wires with plastic insulation and sheath.


The PUGNP wire is used to connect electrical personal hygiene and microclimate devices, electric soldering irons, lamps, kitchen electromechanical devices, electronic equipment, washing machines, refrigerators, etc., which are used in residential and administrative premises.


PUNP is designed for use at ambient temperatures from - 25 to +40C.


The PUGNP wire can be used to manufacture extension cords for voltages up to 380V for 380/380V systems.


Buy copper wire, installation wire of the PUGNP, PUNP, APUNP, PVS brand.

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